
Why Muddy Puddles Are What Every Child Needs!

Why Muddy Puddles Are What Every Child Needs!

Posted by Alexandra Ryan on 24th Oct 2022

Our New Forest National Park Ambassadors @wildboy.and.bugs are most definitely some of our expert puddle jumpers!  They can often be found splashing in a muddy puddle! 

Let me set the scene: you are out on an afternoon walk with your children, maybe a dog in tow, it has been raining all morning and you can smell all the many scents of the forest as they have been amplified by the rain. The leaves on the trees look like they are glistening as the raindrops resting on their surface reflect the light of sun off in every direction... it is truly magical. Then suddenly your child comes bowling past your legs at lightning speed, almost knocking you over, as what lays in front of you, on the ground, is one of the most exciting gifts nature can bring: a puddle!

Puddles can be a parent’s dream or a parent's worst nightmare! Nothing beats the happiness you feel as a parent as you watch your child engage in something that makes them do that heart-warming belly laugh we have loved since they were babies, puddle jumping often brings that kind of happiness, but the very cold and wet walk back to the car (or even worse if you are walking all the way home), is somewhat less fun. So,let’s say we can find the perfect clothing that not only keeps your child comfortable, but also keeps them warm and dry throughout the entirety of their puddle jumping endeavours (for instance, the Spotty Otter ‘Forest’ ranges), I'd like to outline a few reasons why puddle jumping should be on the itinerary for every child! 

It is really fun!

No one can deny that feeling your whole body splash down into a pool of water and watching the droplets fly off in every direction is a lot of fun, even as adults! Imagine how that feels for a child. We have seen many a puddle and got many a wet trouser leg both intentionally and unintentionally throughout our lives, and as we reached adulthood, the magic and the fun of it all kind of dissipated as it became more of an inconvenience than a thrill to be wet when we are on our way to work. Children do not have the mundane sense of responsibility that we have to carry as adults, a child has seen far less muddy puddles than we have, they have felt wet boots considerably fewer times... to them, a puddle is still new and exciting, and a new venture to be explored! Which brings me nicely onto my next point.

Puddles are a whole new world of imagination!

Are they pirates walking the plank and falling into one of the seven seas? Are they a fairy hopping gracefully along a stream? Are they a jungle explorer wading their way through the treacherous amazon river? With their fruitful imaginations, a puddle is so much more than just a pool of water on the ground, it is a tactile medium for them to become anything they want to be in that moment, and to really be present in the creativity as they can physically feel the water! It is a beautiful opportunity for children to play out their most exciting dreams, to act out what they have seen on TV or in books, or to make up silly games or stories on the spot! It is also great fun to observe their imaginations at work! One of life’s many blessings, in my opinion!

It uses their entire body!

The physical act of jumping into a puddle engages most of the muscles in your entire body. It is a great way to make exercising fun! We know how important it is for children to stay active. The Department of Health recommends that children engage in moderate to intensive activity for 60 minutes per day. Imagine how much puddle jumping you could get done in that time! The time would absolutely fly by! There are many studies out there that point to the fact that outdoor play is one of the best ways to utilise a child’s energy, especially toddlers! At least after a long day of splishing and splashing, you can hope for a long night of snoozing and snoring!

Break some rules!

With very good reason, we have to set firm boundaries when it comes to inside play, as we need to protect our sanity amongst other reasons, but encouraging messy and exciting play outside is way to satisfy a child’s innate need to challenge without having to stress too much about mess or things getting broken. Jumping in muddy puddles is so exciting and brings a real thrill to childhood that is hard to find elsewhere. 

It helps them master new skills!

Jumping in muddy puddles not only helps a child learn how to navigate their own body physically, it helps them to master skills such as spatial awareness and how to interact with their environment, measuring (e.g. spotting the difference between large and small, deep and shallow etc.) and estimation and prediction skills, e.g. “How big will this splash be if I jump in the middle of this deep puddle?”. These are all skills that are transferrable and potentially life-saving when applied to other aspects of life, especially as they grow up and get more confident in their adventures!

 So there you have it, just five of many reasons why you should definitely encourage the splash, maybe you could even join in! I know I do!

Don't forget to wear your Spotty Otter waterproofs to keep your puddle jumpers warm and dry! 

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