“Love It, Live It”: Introducing The Spotty Otter Family

Without exception, everyone who’s joined the Spotty Otter team after the founders, was a customer and fan first. This puts us in the unique and fortunate position of having staff-otters who first and foremost know what a difference our clothes can make “in the wild”! Our passion drives our innovation. Everyone has an input (and strong opinions) because we are first and foremost believers in the clothes and the vision. We’d like to introduce a few of the team...

Rob: “Chief Otter” (Managing Director)

I’ve four mini Spotty Otters of my own, and as a family we love going to the beach in all weathers. Growing up in the Lakes, I hear Wainwright’s words: “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing”.

I was a huge fan and regular customer of the Spotty Otter products and now running the company is a dream for me.

I’m incredibly proud of our team and clothing; favourites in our house are the Adventure Suits, and my youngest son lives in his wellies, even in summer. What drives me every day is the desire that your family enjoys getting out and about in Spotty Otter gear as much as I see mine doing - I even experience “proud Dad” moments whenever I meet other people’s kids out and about in Spotty Otter!

Indy: “Pen-Behind-The-Ear Otter” (Brand Manager)

My love for the outdoors began with the Duke of Edinburgh award, and hasn’t stopped since. I find balance and relaxation in hiking and walking uphill to stunning views, and am so happy my daughters share the same passion for nature, adventure and reaching the summit. The girls’ Forest Leader waterproofs & base layers are firm favs in our house - if they aren’t in the washing machine, they are on!

Each member of the Spotty Otter team brings their own passion and flare, and I truly believe our clothing lets kids be kids, wherever the adventure takes them. I still do a little happy dance when orders come in, and I am truly humbled by every person who tells me how amazing our kit is. The Spotty Otter community is inspiring & growing - and I can not wait to see what the next few years has in store for us!

Sarah: “Cat-Herding Otter” (Operations Manager)

As a family with two young boys we get out exploring in the Peak District whenever we can. They love their Spotty Otter base layers and fleece lined wellies- all year round! I have a background working for the Wildlife Trust, and I’m also a qualified Level 3 Forest School practitioner, and see daily the benefits nature brings for children’s learning, confidence and development.

I love that Spotty Otter helps children immerse themselves in outdoor learning and adventures without fear of feeling the cold or the damp. It makes me so proud to hear stories from our customers that their Spotty Otter kit has been passed down through many siblings / cousins / friends, and still gives the same great protection from the elements as it did on day one. I count myself lucky to work in such an amazing team.

Jess: “Paws-On-The-Pulse Otter” (Social Media Manager)

I am very lucky to have two little Spotty Otter cubs. We live on my husband's Northumberland family farm, heading out and exploring the county’s incredible countryside, coastline and castles every chance we get. I’ve been involved in our brilliant local Scouts for 14 years; as a leader, I’m very excited about starting a Squirrel Drey (a brand new section for 4–6 year olds) and my son has just joined the scouts, too!

I’ve bought and loved Spotty Otter long before becoming part of the team. So joining the team and being able to enthuse about it for my job is my dream come true. When I spot any Spotty Otter cubs in the wild, I can't contain my excitement, and have to resist going and telling them who I am!